Find it

Grossinger's has everything, Part I

Episode Summary

Grossinger's was an enormous resort that provided fun year round activities for decades. Dancing, skiing, tennis, they had it all. In fact it was the resort that inspired the film Dirty Dancing. This podcast will dive into the story of Grossinger's and the people shaped by it. A couple years back I posted a video about Grossinger’s resort in the Catskills, a once enormous 1200 acre vacation resort. I never visited the resort while it was open but I was struck by its beauty in its decay. I expected the video to get some views and comments but what I didnt expect is that It would get comments that inspired me to make a podcast. What I was struck by is the emotion and detail of these comments and I wanted to share them, but YouTube wasnt the right place for this, I needed a longer format. Podcast…thats it! So here we are, this is my first ever completed episode of the Find It podcast featuring those stories and more. I welcome your comments and questions. You can comment below or email me at

Episode Notes

Grossinger's was an enormous resort that provided fun year round activities for decades. Dancing, skiing, tennis, they had it all. In fact it was the resort that inspired the film Dirty Dancing. This podcast will dive into the story of Grossinger's and the people shaped by it.

A couple years back I posted a video about Grossinger’s resort in the Catskills, a once enormous 1200 acre vacation resort. I never visited the resort while it was open but I was struck by its beauty in its decay. I expected the video to get some views and comments but what I didnt expect is that It would get comments that inspired me to make a podcast. What I was struck by is the emotion and detail of these comments and I wanted to share them, but YouTube wasnt the right place for this, I needed a longer format.
Podcast…thats it!

So here we are, this is my first ever completed episode of the Find It podcast featuring those stories and more.

I welcome your comments and questions. You can comment below or email me at
Facebook group

Guests in order of appearance:

Marisa Scheinfeld
Author, photographer, explorer. Her book: site: http://www.marisascheinfeld.comExhibits: interview:

Elaine Grossinger Etess
Daughter of Harry and Jennie Grossinger. President and Chair Person of the Hotel and Lodging AssociationInterview: 97 Street Y:

Harold Lieberman
Jennie G enthusiast and otherwise Grossinger loverFB group where we met:


My amazing and supportive partner Jay Otto.
All 3 of my guests, with out you these stories cant be shared.
My family and friends that support all my crazy ideas, seriously thank you!